Best Bitcoin faucets

Find below a list of the best Botcoin faucets to earn Bitcoin / satoshi for free.


Account currencies
Minimum Withdrawal
1 Freebitcoin BTC 60 mn 0.0003₿
2 Faucetcrypto BCH · BTC · DASH · ETH · LTC · TRX 40 mn 0.000001₿ / 0.00012 ETH
3 Cointiply BTC 720 mn 0.0005₿
4 Dogemate BCH · BTC · DOGE · ETH · LTC 1440 mn 2e-7₿ / 0.000004 ETH
5 Moremoney BTC 60 mn 0.00025₿
6 Free-ethereum ETH 60 mn 0.001 ETH
7 Firefaucet BTC 1800 mn 0.0003₿
8 Free-litecoin LTC 60 mn 0.002 LTC
9 Allcoins BCH · BTC · BTT · DASH · DOGE · ETC · ETH · LTC · TRX · XLM · XMR · XRP 4 mn 0.00005₿ / 0.0036 ETH
10 Hitbits BTC 15 mn 0.000025₿
11 Thecryptofaucet BCN · DGB · LTC · STEEM · TRX · XVG 960 mn 0.0021 LTC / 1.2 TRX
12 Satoshihero BTC 10 mn 0.0003₿
13 Freebitcoinio BTC 60 mn 0.0002₿
14 Coinfaucet XRP 60 mn 1 XRP
15 Freecardano ADA 60 mn 5 ADA
16 Freetether USDT 60 mn 1 USDT
Account currencies BTC
Timer 60 mn
Minimum Withdrawal 0.0003₿

Account currencies BCH · BTC · DASH · ETH · LTC · TRX
Timer 40 mn
Minimum Withdrawal 0.000001₿ / 0.00012 ETH

Account currencies BTC
Timer 720 mn
Minimum Withdrawal 0.0005₿

Account currencies BCH · BTC · DOGE · ETH · LTC
Timer 1440 mn
Minimum Withdrawal 2e-7₿ / 0.000004 ETH

Account currencies BTC
Timer 60 mn
Minimum Withdrawal 0.00025₿

Account currencies ETH
Timer 60 mn
Minimum Withdrawal 0.001 ETH

Account currencies BTC
Timer 1800 mn
Minimum Withdrawal 0.0003₿

Account currencies LTC
Timer 60 mn
Minimum Withdrawal 0.002 LTC

Account currencies BCH · BTC · BTT · DASH · DOGE · ETC · ETH · LTC · TRX · XLM · XMR · XRP
Timer 4 mn
Minimum Withdrawal 0.00005₿ / 0.0036 ETH

Account currencies BTC
Timer 15 mn
Minimum Withdrawal 0.000025₿

Account currencies BCN · DGB · LTC · STEEM · TRX · XVG
Timer 960 mn
Minimum Withdrawal 0.0021 LTC / 1.2 TRX

Account currencies BTC
Timer 10 mn
Minimum Withdrawal 0.0003₿

Account currencies BTC
Timer 60 mn
Minimum Withdrawal 0.0002₿

Account currencies XRP
Timer 60 mn
Minimum Withdrawal 1 XRP

Account currencies ADA
Timer 60 mn
Minimum Withdrawal 5 ADA

Account currencies USDT
Timer 60 mn
Minimum Withdrawal 1 USDT


A Bitcoin Faucet is a website that gives you Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies for free. To receive a small amount of Bitcoin, the faucet requires that you type a CAPTCHA code every time you use them. You just have to enter the characters shown in the CAPTCHA and then click on the claim button to receive a small amount of free Bitcoin. Faucets put ads on their websites so they can pay you.

Bitcoin rewards are given in form of satoshis which is the smallest unit of Bitcoin (0.00000001 BTC). The amount of Bitcoin faucet give varies from about 10 satoshis to more depending on the website and the amount could fluctuate according to the value of Bitcoin. You have to provide your Bitcoin wallet address and the free Bitcoin amount will be credited to your wallet once the minimum amount of payment is reached. Bitcoin can be also directly credited to a Bitcoin microwallet as Coinpot, then you can withdraw to your Bitcoin wallet address once the minimum amount of withdrawal is reached. Bitcoin microwallet is helpful because it saves some transaction fees.

Bitcoin rewards are dispensed at various intervals of time, from few minutes to few hours. There are faucets that give alternative cryptocurrencies as Litecoin or Doge.